Iterating Your Book with StoryCraftr 📖🔄

Writing a book is an iterative process. StoryCraftr not only helps you generate the initial structure and content, but it also enables you to refine and enhance your book over time. Whether you need to tweak character names, motivations, or adjust the structure of your chapters, StoryCraftr has you covered.

Automatic Refinement

Every command in StoryCraftr automatically refines the content of an existing file. If a file already exists, the new content generated by StoryCraftr will refine, update, or add to the existing content without overwriting it entirely.

For example, if you’ve already generated a chapter synopsis and run the command again, it will refine the existing synopsis, making it more detailed or adjusting it based on new input.

Iterative Commands

1. Check and Fix Character Names

Over time, as you develop your story, you might want to check for consistency in character names. This command will scan all chapters for character names and either fix inconsistencies or make recommendations.

storycraftr iterate check-names "Check character names for consistency."

To update or fix a character name across the entire book:

storycraftr iterate fix-name Zevid Rhaedin

2. Refine Character Motivation

Characters need strong motivations, and sometimes these evolve as you write. This command will refine character motivations throughout the book, ensuring consistency and depth.

storycraftr iterate refine-motivation "Rahedin" "Refine its motivations in a story about rebellion against gods."

3. Strengthen Story Argument

The core argument or theme of your story can sometimes become diluted. This command will reiterate and strengthen the argument or theme across the book to ensure it is clear and compelling.

storycraftr iterate strengthen-argument "Ensure the argument of rebellion against divine control is clear."

4. Insert Chapters and Adjust Numbering

Sometimes, you may need to insert a chapter between two existing ones. This command will insert a new chapter and automatically adjust the numbering of all subsequent chapters.

storycraftr iterate insert-chapter 2 "Insert a new chapter that explores a critical event from the protagonist’s past, shedding light on their true intentions and setting the stage for the conflict in chapter 1."

5. Split a Chapter

If a chapter becomes too long or covers too many topics, you can split it into two separate chapters. This command will split the specified chapter and adjust the numbering of all subsequent chapters.

storycraftr iterate split-chapter 3 "Split chapter into two chapters."

6. Add Flashbacks

Flashbacks are a great way to add depth to a character’s backstory. This command lets you add a flashback scene between two chapters, ensuring it integrates seamlessly with the surrounding narrative.

storycraftr iterate add-flashback 3 "Insert a flashback revealing a hidden alliance the protagonist formed years ago, explaining a key turning point in the current events."

7. Update Plot Points

Plot points are critical to maintaining tension and momentum in your story. Use this command to update or refine key plot points across the story, making sure they align with the latest developments in the book.

storycraftr iterate update-plot-points "Refine the plot points around the rebellion’s climax."

8. Consistency Check Across All Files

Before completing your book, it’s important to check for consistency across all files. This command will review the entire structure to ensure character arcs, motivations, plot points, and even worldbuilding elements are aligned.

storycraftr iterate check-consistency "Ensure consistency of character arcs and motivations throughout the story."

Iterating Efficiently

The power of StoryCraftr lies in its ability to help you iterate without losing track of the overall structure. By running these commands after each major drafting session, you ensure that your book evolves into a cohesive and polished narrative.

The iterative process in StoryCraftr aligns with the principles outlined by Brandon Sanderson in his approach to writing. Sanderson emphasizes the importance of consistency, depth, and thematic clarity—principles that StoryCraftr can help you apply throughout your story development.

Happy refining and iterating with StoryCraftr! ✍️